very nice ;D
perfect mix of funny and creepy
very nice ;D
perfect mix of funny and creepy
funniest shit ever XD
oh man
why wasn't i in irc?? D:
yeah it was short, but the animation was brilliant, and totally unexpected. i loved how the snowflakes fell, and the sound effects were perfect.
i also really loved the music ;D
all u guys who voted low are gay
<Sashura> cool pic
<redm> sashura wtf
<Ukinojoe> good name
<J_Seed> redm wtf
<ropesnake> he commands the red feather army
<redm> jseed calm down
<Sashura> u win some luvin ;D
<reptilicus> oh
<Sashura> wtf sashura?
<Ukinojoe> but i'd have called him commander smarglefrapst
<reptilicus> wtf reptilicus?
<BloodyCheery> Count Steam is one bad-ass muther fooker
<Sashura> what is it red? D:
<redm> i dont remember
no. this shit needs to stop. the metal gear parodies were kinda funny at first, but seriously we need to move on. If you're going to make an unfunny, poorly animated parody with stale humor, at least do it in your own style instead of mimicking the style of someone else. This flash was so devoid of originality, it was sickening. At first, when it started, i thought that egoraptor may have done it himself, but then i realized that if he had done it himself, it probably would have been executed better, and just less pathetic overall.
oh well. that's just my opinion. congrats on front page
In a few years when MGS has died, people will be happy that tributes like this ever existed.
gah >.<
hmm...i see a recurring theme get the viewer all hyped up for something epic, and then right at the climax of the flash, you abruptly end it with something obnoxious.
Luigi ain't obnoxious he's awesome!
Cute, funny, and totally unexpected!
im very impressed with how smooth the movements were. You're very a very talented flash artist ^.^
you certainly deserved the front page
well thank you sashura
Why wasn't this in the collab?
I thought the voice acting was pretty good compared to most newgrounds flashes. Overall, the animation was nice and fluid, and it was funny! making fun of the codec was definitely very original. why wasn't this in the big metal gear collab? it was certainly more enjoyable than a lot of the other flashes in there. especially the ones with the penises in them =(
anyway, good work!
Yep, overally this has better voicing than most, but I have no offense against bad voicing if the movie itself is good. And this wasn't in the MGS collab because this was longer than 30 seconds, which was the time limit per part and this was supposed to be stand-alone flash in the first place. And I sure know what you mean with penises.
Thanks for the review!
I liked the bakery one-liner!
i loved how the introduction was kinda like final fantasy on acid. Very creative. I also want to commend you on your superb rendition of "victory fanfare" at the end. really great flash. I also liked how you kept comparing FFVII to star wars. I thought the stories were really similar and it kinda irritated me. vaan DOES suck. good job.
I love all of your work <3
i watched half-beard the other day. good stuff =)
Sweetness, glad you enjoy my stuff. And yeah, XII borrows a LOT from star wars, it's pretty annoying. The older final fantasy's would maybe borrow an element of the story or something small like that, but XII just borrowed... like, everything from it. Damn crap. But yes, thanks for watching and commenting! And I'm glad you liked the FF-on-acid intro, heh.
I thought this flash was okay. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't that good either. The flash lacked fluidity and i thought that the animation looked a bit amateur, but i've seen worse.
Well I am new at this, and I had a deadline for class, but i know i could do better. thanks for youre input.
Age 34, Female
New Jersey
Joined on 4/19/08