really cool
your art style looks amazing animated. really cool concept too
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really cool
your art style looks amazing animated. really cool concept too
the voiceacting done by sapphire was very good, but all the other voiceacting was really bland and mediocre. the plot for this was very nebulous and kind of boring tbh. The animation was weird, it looked like a lot of it was traced or rotoscoped and the linework was very dirty. also at the end, it should say "to be continued" not "to be continue"
omgawsh tysm ur sew genuroush for giving me full 10 ^w^w^ <33333
Rtil's Metropolis circuit is leagues above the trash I make, yet it's something I aspire to achieve one day quality-wise. Saying this is ripping off from it would be insulting Mr. Ryan and all the amazing work he put into it.
If you're concerned about stuff being ripped then go play some Jet Set Radio and try accusing me of basing this on a slightly more accurate source, that I don't doubt inspired Rtil as well.
thank u so much!
this tutorial was really helpful even tho i was using flash CS4. thank u! this tutorial was great
this is so lovely
im sorry, im sure you've been asked this question 12 million times, but what program do you use to make your music?
Not million but close. I use Reason+Ableton+Vst plugins. For this song it's just Reason and Ableton.
Glad you like it ;)
i fell in love with this song from the very first note...
i heard it in your snowbot animation. thanks for making it available in the audio portal
cool song ;)
i really liked the melody of this, and i love how the song got faster in the end, but i think that it would sound much better if you incorporated more instruments into it. perhaps some strings or some brass to make it sound richer
Thanks. I thought so too, but it's more of a practice since it's my first song.
This is some Geof Darrow Shit.
I love Geof Darrow, but you already knew that!
fuck lenko, i clicked on this expecting some fucking hotass titties or something, but instead i get greeted by actual creative artwork??? either get some artistic maturity and make me some rtil hentai, or stop drawing altogether you dumb little baby.
issue 12 of 'rtil: my days as a harem maid' coming right up
Age 35, Female
New Jersey
Joined on 4/19/08